There are 1379 ways of making money on the internet!   

Actually, it's doubtful anyone really knows exactly how many ways there are of making money on the internet. The real point is that there are plenty of ways to do it.

It's not difficult making money on the internet. However, it IS difficult making GOOD money on the internet.

Most every website you go to is going to make it sound like the easiest thing in the world . . . Just do this (blah, blah, blah) . . Buy this (blah, blah, blah) . . Use this (blah, blah, blah) . . and you'll be making more money than you'll know what to do with.


Making money on the internet takes real work - at least at first. There are some ways that you can set yourself up to receive passive income and do very little work, but they do require a lot of time and energy up front.

Other ways of making money on the internet require constant attention. However, no matter what it is you choose to do, the good news is that anywhere there's an internet connection can be your workplace.

Wanna go to Hawaii? No problem. Wanna go to Thailand . . . or Bali . . . or New Zealand . . . or even Canada? No problem.

Making money on the internet is first and foremost about freedom. Freedom to go where you want to when you want to. Freedom to take a day off, or to work at 3 am because you just happen to be awake at 3 am. Freedom, plain and simple. Oh, and, of course, a good income.

In the coming pages you'll find many different ideas on making money on the internet. Look for something you already enjoy doing and try to make it fit one of them. If you enjoy doing it then it won't feel like work.

Doing something just to make money generally doesn't work out well - you'll get tired of it long before it starts producing any real income. So try to be sure it's something you'll enjoy before you begin.

To find your ideal approach to making money on the internet, just click on the "1379 Ways" tab at the top of this page. You can either follow the links at the bottom of each page to other posts or you can choose from the options on the right side of the page. Take your time and look around - you might find the one that's just right for you.

Be sure to check back often - new options are being added daily!

Any questions or comments can be directed to


By the way, if you get a few minutes, be sure to check out my other websites:


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